Introducing Our New Task System

A More Efficient Way to Manage Your Workflows

We're excited to announce the launch of our new task system, designed to help you manage your tasks more efficiently and effectively than ever before. With this new system, you can load tasks faster, find tasks more easily, and help your team function more consistently, all with reduced clicks.

Choose Your View

To get started with the new task system, simply click on "Try out new tasks" in your Akute toolbar. The new system offers several features that make it easier for you to manage your tasks, such as the ability to switch between views: a classic table view, a comfortable style view with bigger font and more task data displayed, as well as a compact card view that allows you to see more tasks on one page.

Custom Filter Presets

One of the most significant improvements we've made is to the filter sidebar. While we still offer the standard filter presets - today, next five days, incomplete and complete - the new system now allows you to create your own filter presets.

For example, you may want to look at all urgent tasks that are not assigned to anyone yet. To do this, you can select "no owner" and search for the "fax" tag. You can then save this filter preset as "Unassigned Faxes," and the next time you log into our system from any device, this filter preset will be available for you to choose.

The best part is that this filter preset belongs to you! No other team members will see this filter preset, so it won't clutter their views. For larger teams, admins can easily create filter presets that are clinic-wide, so new team members can log in and instantly see the filters they need to review.

Updating Presets

If an internal process changes and the clinic-wide presets your team is using are no longer valid, you can easily update the preset, and every team member will have the update. This saves hours of time and avoids many mistakes that could occur while trying to retrain each team member on the new process.

Improved Sorting System

In addition to the filter presets, we've also improved the sorting system, so you can easily sort your tasks in ascending or descending order. You can also change the number of tasks you're looking at on one page and collapse the filter sidebar to give yourself more screen space.

Get Started

We're extremely excited about the launch of our new task system and believe it will significantly improve your productivity. Try out our new task system today and let us know what you think - we value your feedback and would love to hear how we can make our system even better.

For questions about Akute’s task management system, or to get started using Akute, please email us at

The EHR you always wanted. Built for Direct Care.

© Akute Health Inc. 2024